Buying a house is one of the most important financial decisions you’ll make in your life. Once the euphoria wears off and you settle in your new space, it’s time to look at the maintenance list. Unfortunately, your real estate agent skipped to mention all the upkeep your house needs, and you didn’t get any manual that goes with it either. Don’t stress about, we bring you a list of all the things you need to check regularly to keep your house safe.

Over time magnesium and calcium build up in your water tank and can reduce the efficiency of the water heater. It also wastes a lot of energy, which will reflect in your monthly bill. Regular flushing of the water heater, and cleaning any sediments can make your water tank last longer. This is important for both gas and electric water systems. Once a year is quite enough, and, if you’re handy, you can do it by yourself or call a plumber. Also, it’s important to clean the clogs. Remove any hair build-up in your shower, gunk around your toilet, and replace rubber seals if needed. Check for any water leaks, look under the sink if there’s any moisture or puddles. Pay special attention to your garbage disposal. Many foods can cause clogs, like coffee grounds, celery fibers, and grease. This can clog your plumbing in a second, and cleaning it is not fun. So, check for everything and anything for clogs and leaks.
Heating and cooling

Every year, in springtime, you should check if your cooling system is working properly. If you have window units, then you can probably do it by yourself, cleaning the filters by giving them a quick wash, and such simple tasks. However, if you have central air in your home, you should call a service company since these systems are more complexed. It’s only once a year, so it won’t affect your budget greatly. As far as the heating, these can cost you a small fortune. If your furnace is not working properly, you can end up with a cold house in the middle of the winter. This is something you shouldn’t do by yourself. Call a professional service to inspect it, it’s much cheaper than getting a new furnace which can cost thousands of dollars.
Pest control

If you sometimes see a bug here and there, it might gross you out, but you probably wouldn’t think twice about it. Nevertheless, this could be an alarm that insects might be chipping on your woodwork, that in a long run can wreak havoc in your home. Don’t try to get rid of bugs and insects by spraying one room, or a bathroom, they are just going to move to another one. You need to call a professional team to take care of the wood-eating termites, bugs, and other pests. To have the experts handle this you can visit pestcontrolshub.com. An experienced crew will make your home pest-free and give you advice on how to keep it that way. Don’t ignore the problem and hope that it will go away since this can cost you big bucks down the line.
On the bottom of every refrigerator, there are condenser coils that need to be cleaned at least once a year. Over time, they get clogged, especially if you have any furry pets, causing the fridge to work harder to stay cool. This will affect your utility bill and cooling performance of the fridge. Often overlooked ice-cube maker on your fridge needs filter replacement from time to time to prevent any leaks and calcium build-up. Another one to pay attention to is your dishwasher. Fortunately, this one is an easy task. You just need to put a bowl of vinegar in the middle of your dishwasher and run a cycle. If this doesn’t get rid of more stubborn stains and build-ups, just buy dishwasher cleaner from your local store. This will do the trick.
Around the house
There’s as much work around the house, as there is inside, if not more. Make a plan and get to work. Check for any cracks in your driveway, if you see any seal them before the winter comes and cause more damage. While at it, make sure you have a shovel and salt ready for when the snow comes. Cleaning out your gutters is super-important, although they are often missed. When they clog, the water from your roof will go down walls causing leaks and rotting. Remove the debris and clean it thoroughly, sealing any crack on the way. You should do this twice a year, in spring and fall, or even more often if you have any trees nearby your house. If you have a wood-burning fireplace cleaning the chimney should be on your maintenance list.

At least once a year, get rid of the ash and other deposits to prevent chimney fires and carbon-monoxide build-up. Checking dryer vent is one more chore you need to do. Clean it well from the lint, and while the dryer is operating bring your nose closer; it should smell like clean laundry. If you have trees around your property, ensure that branches are not leaning against your roof, or even worse any power lines. Trim them regularly to prevent any damage to your house. Hiring an arborist can be wise since they are trained to spot any potential problems and dangers. Your garage needs a little love too, particularly your garage door. The door should be balanced and there’s an easy way to check this. Close the door, and then use a manual cord to open them, stopping half-way through. If they stay in that position without closing down, you are all set. Also, lube garage doors at least twice a year to make them last longer and run smoother.
Maintaining your home neat, clean, and above all, safe, is a never-ending job. If you are a new homeowner it can look intimidating at the beginning, but eventually, you’ll get a handle of it. Just don’t panic, and if not sure, always call the professional particularly if you’re doing the work for the first time.