Home Insect DIY Ticks Control: Tips and Tricks for a Tick-Free Home

DIY Ticks Control: Tips and Tricks for a Tick-Free Home

Source: drivebyeexterminators.com

Feeling overwhelmed by ticks in your home? You don’t have to suffer any longer!

This article provides practical tips and tricks to help you take control and keep your home tick-free. With the right knowledge, you’ll be able to protect yourself and your family from these pesky pests.

DIY Ticks Control Techniques


Keeping your home and yard tick-free is essential to protect you and your family from Lyme disease and other tick-borne illnesses. Fortunately, there are many do-it-yourself ticks control techniques available to homeowners that can help effectively reduce the presence of them in your outdoor environment.

One of the most effective options is to keep your lawn trimmed and mowed on a regular basis. They thrive in tall grass, so shortening the grass within your lawn will help decrease the number of them residing in the area. Additionally, removing dead leaves and brush from around your home will help eliminate potential tick habitats, such as those sheltered under plants or leaf piles.

Professional tick spray for yards is a highly effective way to control their populations. These sprays contain chemicals that specifically target them and can significantly reduce their numbers. In addition to professional sprays, homeowners can also use tick tubes or natural tick repellents to further protect their outdoor environment from tick infestations.

You can also treat areas where you know they may hide with an insecticide containing permethrin or cyfluthrin. Be sure to apply insecticides according to product instructions for long-lasting protection against these arachnids. You may want to consider potential bird, bee or other wildlife habitats before spraying any product near these areas.

Outdoor recreational activities should not be overlooked when considering ticks control efforts at home – dressing appropriately with long sleeves and pants tucked into boots if possible will prevent them from reaching exposed skin more easily while walking through wooded areas. To further reduce exposure risks, you may wish to apply a repellent containing DEET directly on skin (or clothing) prior to leaving for a walk outdoors or any other time you know there might be a risk of their encounters near wooded trails or open fields with tall grasses present nearby.

Finally, it’s important that you check yourself and anyone else participating in outdoor activities for signs of potential bites when coming indoors after spending time outdoors – removing attached already attached pests immediately is critically important before any symptoms occur or can even be identified visually – this can drastically reduce individuals’ exposure risks for Lyme disease significantly!

Tick Prevention Tips


They are often spread by pets and can cause a wide range of illnesses in humans. To prevent them from making their home on your property, it’s important to take some proactive steps. Here are a few prevention tips for homeowners.

Create a buffer zone between your yard and wooded areas: They cling to animals as they brush past foliage and tall grass, so create a buffer zone planted with short-cut grass or ground covers like clover and thyme to act as an extra barrier.

Check your animals regularly: If you have pets, check them regularly. Pay special attention to the legs, head, wound sites, behind the ears and under the collar or any other area that may be difficult to see. To remove any of them you find on your dog or cat properly, use tweezers to grip your pet’s skin close to the tick’s mouthparts. Pull gently until all of the tick’s mouthparts detach from that skin.

Inspect yourself for ticks: When returning from potentially high-risk areas (grasslands, woods, etc.), inspect yourself thoroughly for them—if you come across any attached ones, immediately remove them using tweezers (you don’t want to crush its body because this may increase chances of infection). Pay particular attention to places like the hairline, soft skin foldings inside ears and between toes and fingers.

Mow lawn frequently: Also make sure that you mow your lawn frequently since shorter lawn reduces habitats where ticks can live and flourish at higher altitudes than most people can reach even with a hand-held mower!

Professional Tick Control Services

Source: littlejohnslawns.com

Although there are several DIY methods you can use to help control them in your home, professional tick control services may be the most effective and safest route. These pest control professionals are trained to detect tick-prone areas and can advise you on the right methods of prevention and treatments for your specific situation.

These services usually start with a thorough inspection of your property. During this time, they’ll identify any potential problem areas where they could live and reproduce. Based on these findings, they’ll recommend a tailored plan of action which could include one or more of the following measures:

  • Use insecticides to treat both indoors and outdoors for long term tick prevention
  • Install preventive barriers such as fence rows or insect screens
  • Apply lawn care treatments that reduce their populations in grassy areas
  • Regularly mow lawn to easily spot and remove ticks
  • Regularly check animals for any signs of them

It’s important to note that professional pest control services should only be used after all DIY options have been exhausted due to their potentially hazardous nature if not handled with care. Ultimately, it’s up to you whether you decide to take the risk or hire professionals who will efficiently take care of your tick problem, so make sure you choose wisely!



Overall, staying free from tick infestations requires diligence, patience and dedication. You can create a tick-free home by eliminating hiding places and potential food sources, using insect repellant on yourselves and your pets, and doing full body inspections after being outdoors.

Regularly treating your yard with pesticides is also important, as you want to make sure that the environment surrounding your home is inhospitable to them. However, if you find yourself overwhelmed with trying to keep your family safe from them, don’t hesitate to call in a professional pest control expert—they will be able to help you take the necessary steps to protect you and your loved ones from a potentially dangerous tick infestation.