Home Life Handy Advice For Moving To A Rural Area

Handy Advice For Moving To A Rural Area

Source: azbigmedia.com

Moving to a rural area is a life goal of many people, especially those who become sick and tired of living in loud, busy metropolitan areas. Escaping to the countryside can be a wonderful and life-changing experience, but it can also be quite a challenge! Rural life has many advantages, but it is important to be aware that there are challenges involved, too. So, if you are thinking about making the move to a rural area, be sure to keep reading for a few tips that will make the move easier and allow you to settle into life in a rural setting.

Develop Self-Sufficient Skills

Source: sustainablejungle.com

First, you need to be self-sufficient if you want to live in a rural setting. Of course, there will be times when you will need the services of a professional, but there are many skills that you can develop that will make life a lot easier for you. This includes things like:

  • Home and car maintenance
  • Gardening
  • Growing your own food
  • Food preservation
  • Basic Plumbing
  • Composting
  • First-aid

Research & Visit The Area First

It is always good practice to research places and visit before making a move, but particularly if moving to a remote area. You do not want to up sticks and move your entire life to a quiet area only to find that it is not right for you. Therefore, you should research the area online, including joining any online commutes that would allow you to ask questions and possibly start building relationships. If possible, you should always visit the new home and explore the area so that you can make an informed decision.

Check Internet Availability

Source: eteknix.com

You should also check internet availability before making a decision. You do not want to move somewhere that has no internet or poor connection, particularly if you plan on working remotely.

Consider Power & Water

Power and water are potential issues when moving to a remote area. It is worth looking into backup power that you can use in the event of a shortage or even solar panels (a great way to save money and reduce your environmental impact). You should also know how to manage any water shortages, including harvesting rainwater and purifying water from natural sources.

Meet People In The Community

Moving to a rural area is a big change, especially if you are moving from a town or city. It can be isolating, which is why it is important to meet people in the local community. You should look for community events and hobbies that will allow you to meet people in the area. It is also worth introducing yourself to any neighbors that you have early on.

Arrange Long-Distance Removals


In terms of the actual move itself, you will want to use the services of reliable long-distance removal companies. A long-distance move can be challenging as you will not want to have to do multiple trips. Long-distance removals can move all your possessions in one go and make it much easier to get settled in your new home. There are also different levels of service available, including assistance in packing up your items if required. You can also use online platforms like Shiply that allow you to collect quotes from multiple companies in one place. This will allow you to keep your costs down while enabling you to find a company that has expertise in long-distance movers.

Make Sure You Have A Suitable Vehicle

Source: brp-world.com

If you plan on moving to a rural area, you want to ensure that you have a suitable vehicle – a two-seater sports car will not be ideal! You want a vehicle with plenty of storage space, can handle the terrain, and decent fuel efficiency (you should also research local fuel stations). Keep in mind that you are unlikely to be able to get an Uber in a rural area, and public transport may be limited, so you need to have a reliable car!

Consider Healthcare

Another important consideration is healthcare. You want to find out where the nearest healthcare facilities are and have a plan in case of any kind of emergency. It is also wise to train in first aid before moving and always have a fully stocked kit in the home.

Spend Time In Nature

Source: nfcr.org

As you can see from this post, there are a number of challenges to moving to a rural area, but there are also some major upsides. One of the biggest perks is being surrounded by nature, which allows you to lead a more peaceful, relaxing lifestyle (nature is known to have a positive impact on mental health). Therefore, you want to embrace this by exploring and engaging in activities like camping, fishing, and hiking. Crucially, make sure that you know how to respect the local environment and that you are aware of any dangerous wildlife in the area.

Be Patient

Source: rethinkrural.raydientplaces.com

Being patient when moving to a rural area is also important. It will be a major change in your life, and you are sure to find the challenges to be difficult at first. You should not be disheartened if you do not feel settled straight away, as moving to any new place can take some time, but even more so when it is a rural area without places nearby to visit. It is essential that you are patient and understand that you are unlikely to feel settled straight away. Hopefully, you will have overcome the challenges and start to see all the benefits within six months of making a move.

Moving to a rural area is a major life decision and one that should not be taken lightly. While there are a number of challenges involved, there is also a lot to love about living in a rural setting – it is easy to see why it is the life goal of many people! The advice in this article should help you during the move process to make sure that it is a smart move and help you to settle into the rural lifestyle before long.