Bananas are known as the fruit that loves the tropical climate. It can be found in Asia, Africa and, of course, in South America. The largest banana exporter is from South America, and that is Ecuador. However, bananas can be grown not only in tropical areas but also in areas with a mild climate. If you live in a country that has such a climate and you want to grow bananas, then you are in the right place. We have prepared an article about all the details regarding the production of this fruit. Well, if you’re ready, let’s begin.
How to grow bananas

First of all, if you want to successfully grow bananas, you need to provide a suitable environment. It’s nothing new, because every plant, and also bananas, requires some conditions to make progress. Bananas do not require much effort, but you will need fertile soil, enough moisture, and nutrients to grow smoothly.
Banana trees
A lot of people think that bananas are woody plants and that we get the fruits we know from such trees. However, what if we tell you that this is not true? Banana is actually an herbaceous perennial. The tree of this tropical fruit consists of many large leaves rich in moisture. Therefore, it is not like an apple or pear tree.
How do bananas grow?

As we have said, the banana tree consists of large fleshy leaves. They begin to grow underground, and after a while, they all come out separately through the center. The stems can reach a size of 8 “to 12”. Over time, the central stem with leaves is separated and it grows in volume forming a “trunk”.
How tall do bananas get?
Given that there are different types of bananas, their height can vary from 25′ to several feet in height. However, for ease of harvesting, the most prevalent are plants that grow below 10′ in height. Tall plants tend to lean on one side, so for that reason, we choose these of a lower height.

What do growing bananas look like?
As for bananas, it also grows from the center and its color is reddish-brown. The blossom is found on the thick stem and during the flowering, floral arches are formed, from which the bananas are formed later. One interesting fact about bananas is that the fruits are turned upside down, while the other fruits grow in the opposite or the normal position downwards. When the fruits reach the full size, they can cause bending of the tree, so in this case, it is necessary to support it so as not to break.
What’s a bunch of bananas?
The term “bunch” of bananas implies a larger quantity of bananas, usually in the form that is harvested from the tree. Also, it can be called stalks of bananas. There is also a hand of bananas, which refers to the number of bananas we buy at the store.
Water & soil
Growing bananas requires a large amount of water. This is why people often plant plantations in places with a humid climate. If you decide to grow them in a container, then you will probably have to provide them with more water every day to progress smoothly. Another important factor is the fertilization of the soil because nutrients are also necessary for this plant.
Climate and exposure
As we have mentioned several times in the text, the banana is a plant that loves the warm and humid tropical and subtropical climate. The ideal place for their breeding is where there is enough rain and where the average temperature is in the range of 60 to 75 degrees F. Of course, growing is possible elsewhere, but in special conditions such as the protection of frost during the winter or the influence of strong winds which can significantly damage the plant.
Growing bananas in containers
Bananas can be a fine detail in your yard, but if you decide to produce them, then proper conditions are needed. If there are no proper conditions in your area, you must work hard to make a suitable banana growth environment. For example, you can do this with a container in which you will plant your new seedlings and which must be large. You also need to choose a plant that will not grow too much, and we recommend Viente Cohol, Dwarf Red or Dwarf Cavendish.

When to harvest bananas
Remember to harvest bananas while they are still green. This is done at this stage because mature bananas are quickly damaged, and often you will have mature and green fruits in your area at the same time. Approximately, 18 months is needed to harvest the first crops from new plants, while some older plants can produce crops already after 12 months.
Harvesting bananas
After harvest, it is necessary to cut all stems, in order to later grow new from the base. New units will appear if the plant is cut as we said, but also when the tree is still growing.

How to harvest bananas
When harvesting bananas, a very important thing is to wear work clothes. Bananas can easily spoil the clothes, so watch what you are doing. To cut a banana tree, you will need rebar and a hammer or a sharp machete. So, first you need to carefully crop the banana stalk and after that, you can take a bunch of bananas.
What you can do with a bunch
After harvesting, you can hang a bunch of bananas to become mature completely so you can enjoy them. Usually, this will take a few days after which you will be able to consume the fruit.
Propagating bananas
At some point, you may want to increase your banana planting, and you will do so in the following way. You need to separate new stems from the base after which you can plant it or give it to someone so that he can enjoy in this wonderful fruit. So, in this way, you will get new plants and you will be able to grow more units.