A recent study on the profitability of wool farming in NSW showed that wool industries, on the whole, suffer every year. The main factors behind this happening are low demand versus the high cost of shearing, which is quickly becoming a highly specialized skill that people have.
Is there a way to solve this problem? Well, one of the possible solutions is turning the focus to meat and milk production as the preferred source of income from sheep, instead of focusing on wool only. Hair lambs are by far the most lucrative way to achieve this particular situation.
However, you might now be wondering – what exactly is a hair sheep, and what are the benefits of having such animals? Well, luckily for you, this article might be able to answer this question. Let’s take a closer look at what they are, the types you can get, as well as what benefits can you gain:
What Exactly Is a Hair Sheep?

As the name implies, hair sheep are actually lambs, however, they do not need shearing. Instead of them growing thick, heavy, woolly coats, these animals are most commonly suited for meat or for brush clearing. Domestic lambs, with their wool coats, are singularly impractical for animals in the wild.
Specific classes like the Merino and Longwool came about thanks to cattlemen selectively breeding these animals. In nature, their coats are more commonly like the ones that you can see on other wild animals. Their coats can easily grow longer and thicker during cold seasons, however, they will shed all of the excess hair as soon as spring comes.
So, What Are The Benefits That People Can Gain From Having Hair Lambs?
If you think about it closely, woolless lambs have a wide range of benefits for mutton producers. Naturally, the most obvious one is that you won’t need to pay experienced people for shearing them every year in order to keep your entire herd healthy, productive, as well as capable of breeding.
Additionally, they are also particularly hardy and heat tolerant, which means that they can function well even under extremely hot weather conditions, hence, the producers won’t need to intervene in the entire feeding or mating process as much as they would with other races.

When it comes to different illnesses and diseases, they also tend to be more resistant to then than a wool lamb would be. Their meat and hides also have a higher and better quality than those of wool or other types of these animals. This means that with a little effort, producers can gain high-quality meat and hides from their animals.
All of these positive characteristics, qualities, and benefits of hair lambs make them one of the most popular options and choices for small scale farmers, where there is a need for lowering the expenses of shearing and focusing on the overall value of the meat, wool, and hide produced by the animals.
What Are The Types That Farmers Can Purchase?
There is a wide range of races that you could choose to purchase for your farm, however, the most commonly purchased one, as well as the most popular ones, including types such as:
1. “Dorper”

The very first thing you should know about Dorper is that they are native to Africa, which means that they are capable and well-suited for surviving and living in arid climates. They boast an excellent feed to meat ration and they are capable of reproducing all year round. This particular race is almost impervious to different illnesses and diseases, and they are fast-growing, highly muscled lambs.
2. “The White Dorper”

As you might have guessed, the White Dorper has all of the same positive characteristics and features of the aforementioned class. However, there is only one difference between the two types and it is the coloration. Unlike the Dorper, the White Dorper does not have a black-colored head.
3. “The Australian White Sheep”

The Australian White Sheep is a breed that was purposefully bred as one of the breeds that is a top meat producer by crossing the White Dorper, Texel, Poll Dorset, and Van Rooy hair types. The outcome? Well, they managed to get a breed that is capable of outstanding meat production, hailed as the Wagyu beef, by the producers of the mutton farming industry. The Australian White Sheep can tolerate both cold and hot climates, they are extremely easy to care for& nurture, and the farmers will be capable of yielding high profits from this particular breed.
If you choose any of the aforementioned breeds, you’ll be able to improve both the meat and milk with the help of shearless lambs. Australiaslivestockexporters.com are the experts and the ones responsible for assisting small-, medium-, and large-scale farmers and breeders who’d like to improve their livestock herds.
They can assist you with all the relevant paperwork and permits that you will need, and that will ensure and guarantee that you receive your shipment without any undue delays that can hinder your entire production year. If you’d like to enjoy the benefits of Australian White lambs into your local market, get in touch with them. They’ll gladly help you gain the competitive edge you crave thanks to high-quality specimens of Australian White Sheep.
As you were able to read and learn, there is a wide range of benefits that you can gain from opting for a breed mentioned in the list above. Not only are they capable of living in extremely hot or cold weather, but, they produce meat, hide, and wool that is high-quality and that cannot be compared with other breeds and types.
So, now that you are aware of all of the wonderful things you can gain from choosing to cultivate such sheep breeds, you might not want to lose any more of your time. Instead, you should think about which breed you would like to have on your farm, and then learn more about where you can obtain them.